Saturday, February 4, 2012

The Proposal

Zack and I have a habit of getting pictures taken in photo booths whenever we see them. When we began dating we often made trips to Kmart on Foothill because it was the only place that had an old school booth. The most epic of these jaunts was on May 17, Zack's Birthday, after having dinner with our families. Zack wanted to do some together and then some individually, which we don't usually do but I was down. We did some together first and then had fun being goofy on our own. I confessed my undying love for him and he confessed his undying love of being Straight Edge. Then the moment came...Our last four pictures were together and in that moment Zack proposed to me. My face says it all and I could not be happier that we have this moment on film forever!

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